Is this any kind of soil borne pathogens or virus or bacterial issue. PL advise.
The leaves and the plant is sleeping. No other symptoms in leaves or stem. The leaves are green. No use of pesticide . The root is also ok. No insects/works etc on the roots also. The only problem might be repeated plantation of papaya for past 3-4 years. Is this any kind of soil borne pathogens? Can anyone guide.
4 years ago
Hi Rajendra Agrawal. I am not sure, I suspect - heavy winds associated with symptoms of Phytophthora Crown and Root Rot might showing this type damage. Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
Thanks for replying. But none of symptoms like stunted leaves growth or the stem getting brown-black from the bottom.
4 years ago
Any other suggestions?