Magnesium Deficiency - Papaya

Papaya Papaya


Flowering diseases in papaya

Dear all, Please watch the photos of my papaya plant, recently I found these diseases in it, flowering dropping and some kind of patches on leafs please advise me what to do.


Bk Failure of pollination. Use jagery for attracting pollinators. Add calcium fertilisers.


Hi Bk. Its showing symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Flower dropping can avoided by following means: 1. It might be due to improper pollution - Keep Jaggery solution in small containers in and around the field to attract honey bees for pollination. 2. Spray Planofix 3 ml/l of water, to avoid flower dropping. 3. Apply fertilizer 12:61:00 for better flowering and fertilization. Also apply fertilizer 12:32:16 to get good flowers and set of flowers too. 4. Avoid overwatering at the time of flowering - provide optimum water depending upon soil and climatical conditions.


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Mr. Suresh ji, In your comment the 2 nd point of spray plantix What is this? Any kind of spray


Hi Bk. You are right. Its typing mistake. Now corrected as above like "Planofix"😁


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