Sir please help me to figure out this disease.
The trunk of plant infected, this is 1st step and then leaves getting yellowish and plant die after some days...pls help me sir
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixThe trunk of plant infected, this is 1st step and then leaves getting yellowish and plant die after some days...pls help me sir
Unusual shape of papaya
Many fruits are ozzing out the high density papain from the surface.
Flowers are not becoming as fruits and Fruits are not in proper shape.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Ankur. Please compare symptoms with Phytophthora Crown and Root Rot by clicking on green link for taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
Suresh Gollar first of all thank you sir, you guide me very well, Sir I gave treatment to plants throughout drip and also on trunk of plant , the plants which were affected , will cure or not please guide sir...!🙏
4 years ago
Hi Ankur . Great - if it's in initial stage, definitely it will be controlled. You can cake control measures 2 to 3 times depending upon the intensity of infestation by changing chemicals every round as mentioned in above green link. Severely effected plants - just pick them and Burn and drench with above chemical at effected soil. Try your level best please.
4 years ago
Sir I used blue copper is that okay
4 years ago
Hi Ankur . It's ok.
4 years ago
What should I used for 2nd time treatment ?
4 years ago
Suresh Gollar chemical treatment?
4 years ago
Hi Ankur. Follow the instructions. Lets wait and see its response of your plants 1st.