Whiteflies - Papaya

Papaya Papaya


What is the problem of this papaya plant exactly?

I tried everything as community said that is leaf corl virus but results are not good still plants are dieing so please tell me exact solution for this problem.


Hi Sartaaj Shaikh . As per your sent image, your papaya crop is severely effected by Papaya Leaf Curl Virus disease. This disease transmits through vectors like Whiteflies . Lets you try to control vectors to control this disease. Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.


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Thank you sir but already I used all camical as plantix suggest me and removed 8 plants and today 3 more plants affected


Hi Sartaaj Shaikh . If your plot is nearby any other plots - in such situation, again symptoms repeats. Lets check your surroundings, I mean any effected fields nearby.


Sartaaj Shaikh spray super confidor 1 ml/litr


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