Spots on papaya leaves
Spots on papaya leaves I think this a disease please suggest me what is this
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Learn more about PlantixSpots on papaya leaves I think this a disease please suggest me what is this
Healthy papaya leaves growing in pot suddenly started browning at tips and then full leave dried.
Leaves are becoming dry at the borders like it's been burnt. Then it's spreading to even the new leaves. Fruits are slowly shriveling off.
I tried everything as community said that is leaf corl virus but results are not good still plants are dieing so please tell me exact solution for this problem.
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Sanjeev. Pictures is not clear. But, I suspect, it might be showing symptoms of Mealybug. Lets check by clicking on green link for knowing symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
Sanjeev looks like a little bit of mealy bugs. Spray neem oil along with a mixture of liquid hand soap and mix well. Spray on both sides of the leaves early morning or evening hours. Repeat after 7 days. Should be okay in the end.