Wrinkleing of leaves in papaya plant ?
Why leaves are in such deform condition in papaya plant ?
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Learn more about PlantixWhy leaves are in such deform condition in papaya plant ?
Lack of fruit set on stem as it's in re every state due to heavy rainfall in balck soil, Recently seen on few plants this type of leaf is it virus
My papaya plant's leavess are shedding off quickly and the leaves are looking like this , pls let me know what is this and and treatments for it.
Unable to diagnose the disease confused between papaya ring spot and mosaic virus.
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi Rathod Farms . It looks like Papaya Leaf Curl Virus . This disease spreads through vectors like Whiteflies . First you control vectors, disease automatically reduced. So, click on both green links given above for checking symptoms and taking control measures.
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