Papaya Leaf Curl Virus - Papaya

Papaya Papaya


Please help me to identify the desease, and a solution.

Today during our inspection, we found 3 plant having problem with the leafs। To me it looks like leaf curl. Also please see the picture above and let us know the severity levels of the desease. Please give me a effective solution. Thanks


Hii Rajbir Sharma Your plant is effected by Papaya Leaf Curl Virus refer Plantix library for managing this infection


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Dear Sunil ji Thanks for your advise. I want some more help as I am new to this. I have arranged Dimethoate 30%EC. It will be helpful if you can suggest - Dilution ratio for spray - Only foliar spray, or spray in all around the field. Or folia+drenching in this specific situation - Frequency of spray 10days or if to hasten up in 7days as emergency measure. - What to do with the infected plants de-root them or they will get cured over the time. - LAST, can the mixing with other helpful product will ensure better results. Like Neel oil etc Sorry for so much of questioning. Thank you Plantix and Plantix Community.🙏🙏


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