Nitrogen Deficiency - Papaya

Papaya Papaya


Papaya red lady variety, 2.5 months after plantation.

Some plants bottom leafs are turning yellow and drying. Please advise.


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Hi Venkateshwar Rao . It might be due to Nitrogen Deficiency . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.


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Thanks Suresh Gollar for prompt reply. And appreciate the effort and time spared by people like you in this community, helping wannabe farmers like us. Sorry for asking again, but I have been giving soluble fertilisers like 12.62.00 and 19.19. 19 1kg per acre every week and last was 100g per plant of 14.35.14 -- 3 days back. Why is there still a nitrogen deficiency when all those components are rich in nitrogen.? Sorry again for being stupid in asking this question. I have checked pH of the soil today with a pH meter and a pH paper both are showing a pH about 7.5.


Hi Venkateshwar Rao . Nice to know it. Follow the fertigation schedule as per your plan. Some time, the expression of any charectorstic in plant occurred might be due to variations in climatical conditions and many inherent characteristics and wrong practices too. As for as your crop is concerned now, your crop is in good condition, nothing to worry about it. But as you know human errors are always there. Only thing is that, one has to follow the instruction like following "Good package of practices pertaining to respective crop" according to the plan of your area.


Venkateshwar Rao Suresh Gollar thanks


Welcome Obaida Bazzeh .


Suresh Gollar thanks


Welcome Venkateshwar Rao ji.


Venkateshwar Rao I appreciate Suresh Gollar and Obaida Bazzeh for the great insight 😂 Pls be informed that older leaves need to die after a certain age, so the older leaves transfer nutrients to younger ones, as a result, older leaves become yellow to tan in color. This is a a most common physiological phenomenon in plant life. According to me there are excess of green leaves in your plants, so flowering will be delayed, so you should thin out excess of green leaves, that helps in elongation, and setting of early flowering. According to me there is no nutrients deficiency, rather there are excess of nitrogen for what green leaves are seen in a form of clusters in almost every plant. 😁


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