Papaya Leaf Curl Virus - Papaya

Papaya Papaya


Is this leaf curl virus?

The plants are transplanted 20 daya back. Papaya red lady variety. I saw one plant out of about 5000 like as shown in the pic. Please advice. I am following practices to arrest vector propogation including pesticides and yellow stick traps


Venkateshwar Rao welcome to plantix Community Yes It seems to be your crop is affected Papaya Leaf Curl 1st remove that plant and burn it then spray dimethoate for best results for more information about your problem and management please click the link. Thank you for choosing plantix Community


Hi Venkateshwar Rao . Yes it's Papaya Leaf Curl . Remove that effected plant immediately from your field and burn it away from your field, to avoid further spread. If you wish, you can plant disease free Papaya plant again. It's good to know, you are following good package of practices to control vectors too. Follow other all good package of practices of Papaya crip till entire harvest. Thanks for visiting.


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Is it not true that top leaves get effected? Is there any chance they the plant will recover as the new leaves are looking good?


Hi Venkateshwar Rao . Don't take risk. You also know well that, small pinch of innoculam will spread disease throughput the field. Hence I suggested you burn this uprooted plant with sorrounding soil away from your field. Do it. I think you understood it. Thanks for visiting.


Hi sir use karpurura karisal I have best result


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