whether it's due to phytoplasma?
Upper most leaves showing yellowing..
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixUpper most leaves showing yellowing..
Leaves are dry at tip and yellow
Leaves have developed these white marks .
White spots and black Powder on fruit of papaya . Fruit rotting from base on right papaya shown.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
hsmaheshhunsur, how many plants were showing the symptoms? Did you do a soil analysis for verification of fertility?
5 years ago
Hello HS Mahesh Hunsur. Welcome to Plantix community. Your Papaya tree shrinking and becoming yellow might be due toNitrogen Deficiency and Magnesium Deficiency spray 19:19:19 all will help you. Also apply Magnesium sulphate by drip 10 kg per acre to recover and grow well of your plant.
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5 years ago
It is nutrient deficiency.If there is any wilting symptom when sunlight is maximum then it can be nematode infestation.
5 years ago
koushik bhai what r other symptoms for nematodes.?
5 years ago
Mohammad Badri Reniform &Root knot nematodes are very serious problem of papaya plantation.They cause stunted growth,leaf yellowing,flower drop,gall formation and also increase the susceptibility of pathogens.
5 years ago
okay bhai thanks!
5 years ago
no, it is not due to phytoplasma or magnesium/ nitrogen difficiency. upper leaves showing yellowing, so it might be due to sulphur difficiency.