Papaya having some problem
Hi. This is 1.5 years old Seedless Papaya Tree planted in Ludhiana Punjab. Please help me to identify the problem and treat it. It was so beautiful and full of very large lush green leaves but, since last month its leaves are changing color and finally they shed off. Its canopy has reduced a lot due to loss of leaves. A month ago I noticed something like worms on its going to ripe fruits which were fixed as they were fixed with fevicol ! But they were not worms I think and now it is alright without any medication. Please guide.
5 years ago
Hello harjit ji, your papaya plant is infected byBlack Spot Disease of Papaya disease for better result spray Indofi sprint. thank you for choosing plantix Community
5 years ago
Oleander Scale
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5 years ago
This is Scale insect, Aonideilla inornata. Look at the trunk also. Malathion or Neonics can solve the problem.
5 years ago
you're papaya is infected with Ring Spot Virus .you can compare your plant in plantix library by following blue link. Thanks for visiting plantix.
5 years ago
Thx Bhai Jan.
5 years ago
Its my pleasure!!!
5 years ago
Thanks Vipul Bhai. Yes it looks like Ring Spot Virus. 1. My plant's affected leaves are getting a bit curly. 2. There are no mosaic dark green patern on unripe fruits as shown in library picture. 3. Water soak spots on stem - I could not identify/understand that. please guide further.