Leaf Miner Flies - Onion

Onion Onion


What can be done to resolve and prevent this

My onion is of 105 days. Bulb is half formed. I see this appearing for last couple of days and feel that it is hampering formation and size of bulb.


Hi Girish . It looks like Thrips and Leaf Miner Flies effect. Click on green links for checking symptoms carefully for taking control measures from Plantix library.


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Prefenophos 25ml Fantoc plus 10ml Antracol 35grm/10lit Spery


Suresh Gollar Vijayakumar my onion is already of 105 days.. will it make any difference if I take any measures now or should I go for harvest


Hi Girish . Normally onion matures 80 to 150 days depending upon variety. You check your variety and its number of days. If it's at harvesting stage - spraying at this stage won't makes any big difference. Otherwise you go for spraying as said in green link.


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