Onion Yellow Dwarf - Onion

Onion Onion


Which type of pesticides to spray

The ends of onion leafs are dried and of leaves and crops looks some lite yellowish colour


Hi G Pulendar. It looks like White Rot and Onion Yellow Dwarf . Click on green links for taking control measures from Plantix library.


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Moscas minadoras Deficiência de Potássio G Pulendar


If you click on the green hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures. 🤠🌱


Ingredients: 500 g of soap; 50 mL of mineral oil; 50 L of water. Preparation mode: Mix the mineral oil in the soap. Subsequently, dissolve the soap and oil mixture in 1 L of warm water. Then place the dissolved soap in the remaining 49 L of water. Application: Spray on the plants every 7 days. Precautions: Even if it is a natural syrup, never stop using personal protective equipment. Comments: If you are a certified organic farmer, before applying any type of syrup, extract or product, consult your certifier.


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