Leaves of onion are getting yellow
Why the leaves of onion are getting yellow
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixWhy the leaves of onion are getting yellow
Please help me about the problem
My onion is of 105 days. Bulb is half formed. I see this appearing for last couple of days and feel that it is hampering formation and size of bulb.
Our onion plant have worm pest attack then how to clear this disease of my onion plant. எங்க வெங்காய செடியில புழு பூச்சு பாதிப்பு அதிகமா இருக்கு இது எப்படி சரி செய்வது. வெங்காயம் பெருக்குவதற்கும் நல்ல கலர் வருவதற்கு என்ன வரம் தர வேண்டும்.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi ! Thanks for visiting Plantix Community! It looks like fungus symptoms. Check more information about treatment in Queima das Pontas
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Get Plantix now for free!Mohammad
5 years ago
It is White Rot for more information click here.
5 years ago
It seems to be root problem as the plant next to it seems to be completely healthy. If you remove the bulbs and see you will find small insect in the bulb
5 years ago
Can you please tell me how i improve my onion plant.
5 years ago
brother spray amistar for better results.
5 years ago
Use azoxstrobin for better results of onion