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Manngo tree burt leaves
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Leaves of this plants are showing in picture
The leaves of the mango tree started turning pale yellow in colour and with visible cluster of red spots clearly indicating ill health of the plant .please suggest any preventive measures for the same . thank you.
Leaves are turn into yellow to brown And therefore folding itself
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3 years ago
Archangel G Garcia Maybe it’s for Potassium Deficiency. Please click the green link to see details information and take necessary action.
3 years ago
Archangel G Garcia Leaf blight disease maybe another reason for it.
3 years ago
Archangel G Garcia So you have to supply balance fertilizer. Remove and destroy affected leaves. Spray Copper oxychloride fungicide.
3 years ago
Hello Archangel G Garcia, My colleague, Zahirul has recommended in the right direction, however let me add additional tips like Mango Hoppers. If there's insufficient sunlight and the plant is bushy with huge canopy having excess of leaves, you need to trim few twigs in order to create spaces for the access of sufficient sunlight. So, don't forget to cut off unnecessary branches or twigs and make sure that hoppers or Mealybug are no longer there underside of the older leaves. Is your location in Florida?
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3 years ago
Hi Archangel G Garcia It could happen due to salt accumulation (Salt burn). Check quality of irrigation water.
3 years ago
Yes port saint lucie
3 years ago
Thank you Archangel G Garcia, this is most populous municipality in the County 😁 Have you got this plant already grafted with multiple varieties? How often do you treat for insects and fungi? When was the last frost? I'm asking because it has bad effects on mango trees.
3 years ago
Just been getting worse and worse over the years prune it and fertilize it we have had bad cold snaps in florida just gottonen ugly..
3 years ago
Pruning was nothing bad for it but too cold hampers. Until getting a desirable shape of canopy, pruning really helps, but adopting vinier grafting efforts during this stage gives you extra bonus and you get the taste of multiple varieties from the same plant. Plant spacing must be addressed otherwise getting a desirable canopy you miss it unfortunately sure of it. Excess of fertilizer would produce many leaves other than inflorescence 😂
3 years ago
Sulfer 100grm/apply root Archangel G Garcia
3 years ago
Great Zahirul Sali