Mangoes trees leafs and branches are dies
Sir problem start from leafs and dies with branches it happen after monsoon Plz suggest treatment which I can do.
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Learn more about PlantixSir problem start from leafs and dies with branches it happen after monsoon Plz suggest treatment which I can do.
Initially only the patches appear, followed by the fungi sometimes then leaves n bark dry up killing the entire tree. I'm suffering some loss due to this. Pls. Help me identify the cause of this n the biological or other control measures for this. I'm in kutch and it's hot n water scarcity has been a bit of the problem such that plants are being watered but I'm not sure if it's adequate for a good produce.
Leaves are folded...what is the problem and solution ?
Hi I have sown a guava tree in my house.And as you can see that the shown leaf is eaten by an insect.Can someone please help me that what is happening there and how can i prevent it..
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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3 years ago
Natvar Singh Algal Leaf Spot in mango.
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3 years ago
Fungal attack use fungicide