Anyone can explain the reason for this mottling color symptom on mango fruit?
The marking is only on the outside of the fruit.
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Learn more about PlantixThe marking is only on the outside of the fruit.
This mango tree every time I have plant this but not grow up because of some white layer form on the branches and day by day Leaf are falling down plz tell me solution to protect my mango plant
Only one friut per flower bunch, Fruit small size with damage... Suggestions pls
new leafe becomming like this in picture.
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3 years ago
Hi Felix Fares, Thank you for your sincere efforts to asking in this Plantix Community. The redding in mango skin is a characteristic varietal feature that grows in Florida. I'm not sure about your area. A disease like Bacterial Black Spot of Mango sometimes are visible on mango skin, but in your case that looks mostly dissimilar. So, my prediction is that in your case it might be an anthocianins accumulation for direct exposure to Sunburn long days. However the anthocianins are totally edible and you can reduce it by covering with fruit sac in order to protect from sun heat. Pls let me know the rate of your feedback 😁
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3 years ago
Hello Sali. Thank you for your response. I think it could be sunburn. The trees were sprayed with chlorpyrifos (500g/l) + mancozeb (750g/kg) and calcium carboxylate (1.5 l/ha). The symptoms appeared after the spray. From experience it seems unlikely that this mixture could have caused the sunburn. What do you think? Thank you for your input.