leaves wrinkle and dry
leaves develop brown spots that are dry, older leaves are less affected. young leaves are serverly affected with leaves drying from the margins and tips which dry and roll
Know all about proper fertilization to prevent deficiencies and improve your yield!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about Plantixleaves develop brown spots that are dry, older leaves are less affected. young leaves are serverly affected with leaves drying from the margins and tips which dry and roll
Insect inters into the mango from lower surface.
Dear shahzaib and Tufail sahiban plz check it and guide me I had 2 week ago gone for fungicide SCORE and KARATY of syngenta. And a week before I sprayed chopper chloro oxide powder spary on mango trees. Know they are good. More over I gave 50 kg DAP + 25 kg UREA and flood chloroperiphos 2 litres per acre Rotivator twice and twice Hul after fertilizers + flood chloroperiphos 2 days ago know I think I should give 1 kg DAP +1/2 kg UREA at roots sand water after a week, if you suggest me I can go for. One thing which is most important plz also suggest me when i should go for BORON and ISABION spary. Waiting for your kind and precious words, khair_andesh naveed Khan.
Leaves are yellowing and pigment is getting lost
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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3 years ago
Hi Rodgers Omulima . I am not sure, but compare symptoms with Calcium Deficiency and Potassium Deficiency by clicking on green links for taking control measures from Plantix library. Also need to apply good amount of Farm Yard manure or Vermicompost once in 6 months along with recommended dosage of fertilizers of your area. Or use fertilizer calculater available here on home page of Plantix to increase your crop pproductivity.Try well and take care of your plant please.
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3 years ago
Great efforts Suresh Gollar 👌 Pls ck also for Mango Beetles attack during tender leaves start growing and use Deltamethrin 2.5 EC