What should i do with my mango plant?
My mango plant leaves are firstly being yellowish after that it's starts to dry. Help me out!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixMy mango plant leaves are firstly being yellowish after that it's starts to dry. Help me out!
I have treated it twice with Copper Oxychloride for fungas on the branches. I have also been fertilizing it although it's due for fertilizer again. It's just starting to bloom. These are the leaves that dropped. All have dropped in the last few days.
Dark spots enlarges its size and spred throught the leaf
Flowering completed but the fruit falls before developing
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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3 years ago
Hi Anshuman. It seems to be like Phoma Blight and Thrips effect. Click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Also need to apply good amount of Farm Yard manure or Vermicompost or any compost once in 6 months to get good growth along with recommended dosage of fertilizers. Or you can also use fertilizer calculater available here on home page of Plantix to get good growth of your Mango plant.
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