Bacterial Black Spot of Mango - Mango

Mango Mango


Yellow brown spots in mango

Please do help.. few of my leaves have started turning like this. @Suresh Gollar @Shubham Patil


Samrutha K Looks like Bacterial Black Spot of Mango and compare.


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It should be caused by overwatering or you can see the deficiency of the disease it is a bacterial or fungal infection which plant to die use a higher quality of fungicide for insecticide to remove the disease and place your plant in a place where it receives sunlight for a whole day but don't please your plant in a place where it get the hot winds blowing days and if you live in place where you will get higher gold soap let protect it from the cold it will get higher nutrition from the soil in the soil and organic matter for its better growth you can use cow dung compost leaf compost or vermicompost use Neem cake powder to remove the fungus from the soil and the plant do not allow the moss over the soil care for your plant for a long while so you plant will get you a higher yield and you will become happy so you plan will become healthy Don't forget to subscribe my channel🙏🙏🙏


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