Hi, hope all is well. This is a peach tree.the leaves started to curls and dry so I used fungicide with copper as you suggested. It helped and stopped disease. Suddenly it started again and I treated it the same way but unsuccessfully, now it has holes in the leaves... I covered the tree with lite net to protect fruit from squirrels recently and as my understanding this should not result in damage as seen on the picture. Please help, I would like to save the tree. Thanks in advance.
Hi, hope all is well. This is a peach tree.the leaves started to curls and dry so I used fungicide with copper as you suggested. It helped and stopped disease. Suddenly it started again and I treated it the same way but unsuccessfully, now it has holes in the leaves... I covered the tree with lite net to protect fruit from squirrels recently and as my understanding this should not result in damage as seen on the picture. Please help, I would like to save the tree. Thanks in advance.
4 years ago
Hi Mladen this is a fangul disease, called تثقب أوراق الخوخ, click on the green link to get more information
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