Can someone identify the above problem in my Mango plant ? This is seen in stem and leaves. What is the possible remedy to get rid of this?
White powdery formation on Mango stem and leaves. Further leaves drop to the ground once affected by this.
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Learn more about PlantixWhite powdery formation on Mango stem and leaves. Further leaves drop to the ground once affected by this.
Hi Friends, few days before I have planted a mango seed in a pot using cocopeat only and as plant was grown successfully but unfortunately some white bugs attacked it so I used the shampoo 3ml + Neem water mixed in one liter of water to control the white bugs but few white bugs died few where there. But all of the sudden the leaves of the plant started dieing and are falling down so today what I did is I shifted / transplanted this plant into a soil pot the soil mixture was soil + sand + vermicompost + cocopeat and also I spray neem water on it once again but I don't know how to save it now, it's 10days old plant. #Mango Midge #mango @Suresh Gollar
This is a 10 year old mango tree looking healthy but it never flowers or bears fruit what could be the reason
4 pictures attached please check all Please check the problem with mango tree, something wrong with leaves and plant not giving new branches and leaves. Treatment given till now by me:- 1) added cow dung compost. 2) given wood ash. 3) neem leaves spray given 3 times. Neem leaves boiled in water with garlic and its spray was given also neem cake was dissolved in water for 3 days and its spray was given. #Bacterial Black Spot of Mango #mango @Suresh Gollar
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Narayanaswami V Seems like Mealybug infestation. Pls ck in Plantix Library by clicking on green link and compare.
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4 years ago
Agreed with diagnosis by Sali sir It looks likeMealybug For confirmation please compare symptoms of your plant with details given in plantix library . So please click on the above green hyperlink to get more info 🙂🙂. Thanks for using plantix community 🙂🙂