Potassium Deficiency - Mango

Mango Mango


Guys, this is the season of plant growing with new buds, but my mango tree is not growing with new buds and whole tree branches and leaves and looking like above picture. So please suggest me what shall I do...see the top of the bud, it's burnt.

Not having new buds and growing. leaves are looking like above picture. Please give me any solution 🙏


Hi Umesh. Bacterial Black Spot of Mango Potassium Deficiency Click on green links given here above for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.


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But it's not growing any new buds


Thanks for replying but see the pictures, top of the bud are burnt and my tree has not any new buds..so how it will grow new buds..?


Hi Umesh. Apply good amount of Farm Yard manure or Vermicompost along with recommended dosage of fertilizers to get good growth or you can also use fertilizer calculater available here on home page of Plantix to get good growth. Also need to apply regular and optimum watering depending upon soil and climatical conditions. Try well and take care of your plant.


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