What could be the reason?
This is Mango plant in a pot. Yesterday it was alright. Today I found this condition. So far no leave shedding. Leaf edges are turning brown. A Lemon plant nearby has shed all its leaves within 3 days.
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Learn more about PlantixThis is Mango plant in a pot. Yesterday it was alright. Today I found this condition. So far no leave shedding. Leaf edges are turning brown. A Lemon plant nearby has shed all its leaves within 3 days.
Mango leaf .what medicine I will give
Small mango got yellow is this a point of cencern or not and some flower not get converted into seeds
The young leaves become curled and the top bud stop growing new leave.... Yellowish brown liquid coming out from the top bud from the point of weathered tender leaves.....
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Mohan Rao Suddenly happen at one day or slowly happening It look like seems nutrients problem Phosphorus Deficiency
4 years ago
Hi Mohan Rao Potassium Deficiency Add good amount if organic .manure Add potash 100gm DAP or SSP 100gm Urea 50gm to the plant
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