Severe infestation by this larva showed in the photos Please help in determining the larva and the insecticide to be used
Hello sir/ madam Im a farmer from Chittoor district in Andhra Pradesh .I have severe infestation of this larva showed in the photograph. This caused large amount of yeild loss previous year.Larva keeps moving around the field in huge numbers producing webs like structures and larva looks maroon to dark brown in colour. Damages the inflorescence and bores into fruits and damages internal parts of fruits.Premature falling of fruits of small size observed in the field .I am unable to identify the pest and Please look at the photographs and symptoms and suggest a good insecticide to get rid of this pest. Thank you
4 years ago
Mango Nut Weevil
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4 years ago
K Pavan You need to use systemic insecticide that has both contact and stomach actions. There are huge products in the market. I should recommend Dimethoate, Emamectin benzoate +Thiamethoxam or Floben Diamite. You can try with any one of the above chemicals.
4 years ago
K Pavan I agree with Sali
4 years ago
Sali Basit Khan Dinesh Kumar Thank you for your valuable suggestions