I found some black spot on the leaves of mango tree
What is the treatment available pl advise
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Learn more about PlantixWhat is the treatment available pl advise
Stem colour becoming slowly black in color
This will occur in plant.i want to help for this disease.
It has been four years and there is no proper growth in grafted mango plants as there is black spots in the leaves and behind the leaves there is white substance in the leafs Please give a solution to this thank you
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Mahesh Maybe its for Mango Midge. Please click the link to see more information. Thank you.
4 years ago
Mahesh Zahirul, Ck carefully if there's a sign also similar to Bacterial Black Spot of Mango and compare.
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4 years ago
Mahesh مرحبا اتفق مع كلا من Sali و Zahirul فى التوصيات المرسله لسيادتكم بالتوفيق