Looks caused by fungal infection (Anthracnose). But what could possibly be done to get rid of these and how to improve in yielding large fruits.. Speaking of yeild I could see most of the flowers were dried out and there is only few turning out fruits..
Any organic fertilizer could help this solve or should go for chemical fertilizer for better results??
4 years ago
Anthracnose of Papaya and Mango Click on above green link so that we can get detail information along with control measures in Plantix library. ☺️☺️
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4 years ago
Hi Isayamuthan please click on this green link مرض الأنثراكنوز على البابايا والمانجو Take care of the tree more, fertilize and water it regularly
4 years ago
Isayamuthan Yes it is Anthracnose of Papaya and Mango You can control by applying Myclobutanil