Flowers dry off and fruits fall prematurely. What to do
Many of fruits fall prematurely..and flowers dry and no appearance of fruit some pesticides to spray for better yield and fruit set.. all trees are flowering stage and some are on bud stage
4 years ago
Hi Ramesh. It looks like Hairy Caterpillars and Anthracnose of Papaya and Mango . Click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
Ramesh do you notice any powdery substance in this mango penicle. If yes then ur crops is suffering from mango powdery mildew disease & it's a fungal disease , no insecticide will help u in such case. You need to use Fungicide. However some times high temperature also destroy flowers. Make inspection of the tree and check for powdery substance as I said earlier & let me know.
4 years ago
Another possibility is Oídio da Manga Please check the links to see description of the symptoms and control measures
4 years ago
I didn't notice any powdery substance Qazi Bilal Rasheed