There is a white nest like growth on the mango leaves and underneath are eggs , what pesticide I need to use?
There is a white nest like growth on the mango leaves and underneath are eggs , what pesticide I need to use?
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Learn more about PlantixThere is a white nest like growth on the mango leaves and underneath are eggs , what pesticide I need to use?
Leaf : half cut, as if cut with a scissors, Faint Black spots. Leaf margin : wrinkled Auxiliary buds : emerging new buds are becoming black & dead.
Leaves of this plants are showing in picture
Not sure what's wrong with the baby mango tree. Leaves started getting spotted brown and feels dry and crisp. Also looks a weird milky white between stem and trunk. Not sure if that's anything. Was thinking maybe powdery mildew but not sure.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Kiran . It looks like spider insect. Lets pick effected leaves and Burn them immediately. It's also showing symptoms of Nitrogen Deficiency. Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Apply good amount of Farm Yard manure or Vermicompost once in 6 months along with recommended dosage of fertilizers in split dosage. Use fertilizer calculater and weather report sections available here on home page of Plantix to get good growth of your Mango plant. Try.
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