Hairy Caterpillars - Mango

Mango Mango


Hi All, Have planted 1000 mango trees and observed around 100 plats are effected some disease. Please check the image and provide your valuable suggestions. Thanks. Regards Seenu

Hi All, Have planted 1000 mango trees and observed around 100 plats are effected some disease. Please check the image and provide your valuable suggestions. Thanks. Regards Seenu


Hi Seenu please add mores pictures of symptoms


Seenu This is a characteristic symptom of mango leaf blight disease. Would you please prefer to spray copper oxychloride wettable powder 2g/lit of water? I'm asking because it’s a bacterial disease 😁


There might be some locomotive caterpillars that start chewing leaves on mango tree. We call them though minor pest, however you can review that in Plantix Library by clicking on Hairy Caterpillars. And it allows help preventives and chemical treatments.😆 Just have a look and try by touching on the hyperlink 😎


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