What is the cause for 'Cut Leaves' mostly in young apical shoots of my one and half years old Mango crop? Is it due to any 'Pest Attack' or Micro Nutrient deficiency?.
There is no discolouration or deformity of leaves as happens in cases of Micronutrient deficiency. It is case of clear cut leaves mostly young ones.
4 years ago
Vishnu Sankar A Mango Nut Weevil, pls ck in plantix library by clicking on the green link for comparison and control measures.
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4 years ago
An entomologist from Coimbatore. Tamilnadu identifies the insect as 'Leaf Cutting Weevil'. Details given in the following link matches with the actual symptoms noticed in my farm. Control measures are also given in the link: http://webapps.iihr.res.in:8081/pestmanage/leaf_cutting_weevil.html. (Indian Institute of Horticultural Research).
4 years ago
I request our members to corroborate the above identification of the pest. Thank you.
4 years ago
yes, this is also called leaf cutting weevil.
4 years ago
It's caused by leaf cutter bee.