Sir please identify the mango plant disease .. What can i do.. which medicine can be used to spray for this mango crop
Please tell me which medicine to spray the mango plants
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Learn more about PlantixPlease tell me which medicine to spray the mango plants
Blackspots mostly on the underside of leaves. Leaves eventually completely dryout but don't fall. Usually affects all leaves in a verticil.
sir in my orchid many fuits look like this type and their outer layer turned blakish.
New leafs have red dots on leafs. Please telle what I can do for this.
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi S Afzal. I am not sure but I suspect its as Hairy Caterpillars . Lets click on green link given here for knowing symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Also use fertilizer calculater and weather report sections available here on home page of Plantix to increase your plant growth.
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4 years ago
Thank q sir but what are the medicines to use the mango plants
4 years ago
Hi S Afzal. Spray neem oil to control these pests during early stage. Later stage pick and Burn them.
4 years ago
Thank q very much sir
4 years ago
Welcome S Afzal.