Potassium Deficiency - Mango

Mango Mango


Young leaves are very small in size and spots on leaves

We planted Mango plants in Sep this year and last week I noticed 2 issue in some of the plants: 1. Small leaves: The young tender leaves are very small in size. Is this normal or is there any disease / disorder, which results in small leaves. 2. Dark spots: Few plants have dark spots on the leaves and the leaves are drying at the border. Would appreciate any help / solution, on the above issues.


Na_Patil First picture looks no problem. Size of younger leaves reduced may be due to insufficient watering or higher temperature. In second picture doesn't look like any disease it could be potassium deficiency. (Scorching of leaf margin starting from the tip).Anyhow please monitor the plants for pests and disease symptoms. Potassium Deficiency . U may check Plantix crop advisory for more details.


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Sreekanth M Thank you and appreciate your quick response. I shall keep monitoring further.


It might be Iron Deficiency and Potassium Deficiency, click on the two green links to get more informations


It is attacked by thrips spray imdacloprid or monocrotophos


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