All new Leaf getting black. Pls suggest me what to do
All new Leaf getting black. Pls suggest me what to do
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Learn more about PlantixAll new Leaf getting black. Pls suggest me what to do
Hi Friends, few days before I have planted a mango seed in a pot using cocopeat only and as plant was grown successfully but unfortunately some white bugs attacked it so I used the shampoo 3ml + Neem water mixed in one liter of water to control the white bugs but few white bugs died few where there. But all of the sudden the leaves of the plant started dieing and are falling down so today what I did is I shifted / transplanted this plant into a soil pot the soil mixture was soil + sand + vermicompost + cocopeat and also I spray neem water on it once again but I don't know how to save it now, it's 10days old plant. #Mango Midge #mango @Suresh Gollar
Leaf is dried in leaf area central portion are green
please help me with possible solution to fix this..what chemical or insecticide should i apply.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Black tip on mango it's boron deficiency .Spray boron
4 years ago
Hi Hardip Singh . Apart from above, lets check Calcium Deficiency too by clicking on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
Sooty mould so spray 1kg of starch /5lits of water and it has to boilled now make the solution to 20 lits