Mango Hoppers - Mango

Mango Mango


Is it normal growth to have that dry looking brown stem on top?

This mango is brought up from a seed. I didn't care much its growing but suddenly I see the top brown like that as if it's drying. Is that normal?


Hira Hiru Yes, it’s normal to sprout new shoots and young leaves. Pls treat when you find any sucking pest like Mango Hoppers on the emerging tender buds and leaves. If you don't treat, after 2 months you may find deformed leaves out of hoppers' sucking damage. There are available resources in plantix library on prevention and control measures, so you need to click on the green hyperlink.


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Hira Hiru Look at this picture, which is a characteristic symptom of subsequent effect or damage on severe infestation by mango hoppers.


Sali Thanks for the information. It's a possibility. I haven't seen a bug looks like that around my tree but I never know. Now I'm worried if this is the tree's end. Or if I cut out that top, can stem/ new leaves grow from somewhere else?


Yes, side shoots will definitely come out 😊


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