Mango leaves of our tree are having these spots..what to do
Mango leaves having white nodular spots
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Learn more about PlantixMango leaves having white nodular spots
Trunk seems to damaged at the place where branches are grown. In multiple tree is 3 years old
Soft white colour weving of wed all over the branches of the mango tree, resulting in fall of leafs. Leafs get yellowish and fall off.. please tell me how to control this.
This leafs are curling and showing like infected and many leafs are not growing in normal size and seems that something is eating those new leafs..
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5 years ago
Its scale insect attack on your mango tree. Use any recommended insecticide for cure. I would suggest you to spray either chloropyrifos or acetamaprid or nuvan.
5 years ago
Spray malathion along with azadirachtin
5 years ago
No Vipul Joshi, pls ck carefully. There are hundreds of minute galls similar to blister Mango Midge attack.
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5 years ago
Hi Vipul Joshi . Sali is right it's Mango Blister Midge. It might also associated with Anthracnose of Papaya and Mango . Please check by clicking on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.