What is the problem with leaves of guava?
Change of colour of leaves of guava
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Learn more about PlantixChange of colour of leaves of guava
Sudden falling of leaves suvarnarekha mango. End branches are getting dried.
1 year old plant was healthy but now top new leaves are curling.
My mango tree is roughly 40 years old. Every thing was fine until 5 years ago when the tree started getting stunted and distorted leaves like the one shown in the image. The tip of the branches started drying leaving no scope for the growth of new leaves. On ripping a few branches longitudinally I found reddish appearance inside. I suspect it's VERTICILIUM WILT after doing a bit of research online but I need confirmation and possible remedies.
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Dr Sadam Almani It is the indication of Nutrational deficency. I suspect it is due to Nitrogen Deficiency.
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5 years ago
Water deficiency
5 years ago
Check the lower leaves are showing yellowing due to nitrogen deficiency