Ant nests on mango tree, is it okay
These ants move around the tree, feed on mangoes. How do I get rid of them
Learn more about this insect and how to defend your crops!
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Learn more about PlantixThese ants move around the tree, feed on mangoes. How do I get rid of them
Dear experts, I have seen in the leaf with some small black colour balls on top of the leaf. Last one month it is creating and showing like this....why it is created suddenly? Do we have any idea to avoid in future. I am not sure why it is happen suddenly and please suggest what can I do further for resolve this? Last year, we harvested a good amount of mango but this is zero yield. Why it is happening an alternate year. Expecting your feedback n suggestions
Mango tree branches getting affected
The buds are very small
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Yes dear It is ok Ants donot hurts infect ants help to remove and eat some insects which can cause damage to plant.
5 years ago
Hi Hussain K . It looks like Hairy Caterpillars but not sure. Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.
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5 years ago
Yes you are right it could be really
5 years ago
Hussain K This is because of ants it will web mango leafs and creat one antweb, ants are not major problem and even they don't have any influence on crop yield or anything. But web created by ants will become hosting site for mango leaf Webber I.e. Orthaga spp. So pls remove the ant webs or go for smoke application in case notice of any leaf Webber in that colony go for control measures:- Spray acephate 2g/l or diclorovos 2ml/l.
5 years ago
But ant is a symptom of disease like Mealybug .
5 years ago
5 years ago
Dichlorovos is banned pesticide in india