What is this brwon on the friut? why this happened?
There is a brown spot on mango fruit
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Learn more about PlantixThere is a brown spot on mango fruit
Some leaves have also prematurely reddened. Not sure if it's related.
Age of plant is 7 to 8 months after plantation. Before it was almost 1 and half year old..in these white spot are on leaf and lots of leafs are fall down..so how can i take care of that
My unripe mango is getting brown, cracking and falling from the tree , while its not the case with other trees around its certaily making a lot of losses. Please give me a solution to this.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi Mysara ,Mango damaged by insect pestThrips and Leaves also infestation by nutrient deficiencyPotassium Deficiency .For control management and diagnosis click above green link.
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5 years ago
thank you