What kind of disease is this?
The insect is very small white in colour flies and is only visible with naked eyes and it is damaging the fruit
Learn more about this insect and how to defend your crops!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixThe insect is very small white in colour flies and is only visible with naked eyes and it is damaging the fruit
Leaves size are small and it's converted into bunchy form
Inflorescence gathering , No Blooming
Young mango leaves are eaten by insects. Suggest management.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi Laraib Kidwai . Your Mango plant might be effected by Thrips and Mango Fruit Fly . Let's click on green link for knowing symptoms and taking control measures.
5 years ago
No sir this isn't fruit fly or thrips
5 years ago
This is something else please try and find out
5 years ago
Hi Laraib Kidwai . As per your sent image, I think it's so. Please check the symptoms clicking on green link given above. Or send again click and closer images for easy identification of its cause.
5 years ago
Check this one
5 years ago
Hi Laraib Kidwai . I think, it's Thrips . See enclosed pictures for your reference.
5 years ago
Sir this isn't thrips that's all I can tell you
5 years ago
Present insects that you are getting Laraib Kidwai is Mango Hoppers. But when your mango was in a pea size that was sucked by Thrips. So, Suresh Gollar is quite right. As the mango started growing older, the damaged marks became larger and present shape. Now there’s no thrips. So, go to treat only Mango Hoppers.
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5 years ago
Mango hoppers are being treated and there are very few hoppers this is a new kind of mites which has a very wide outspread in Uttar Pradesh even the Mango Research Centre at Rehmankhera, malihabad hasn't been able to get the treatment for it phephronyl kills these mites but the mites reattack after 1-2 days
5 years ago
If there's mite pls treat with propergite or acaricides like Abamectin 1.8😁