Mango garden affected by fruit fly?
Fruits are affected by spots and discharge. please give me the suggestions
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Learn more about PlantixFruits are affected by spots and discharge. please give me the suggestions
The new leaf dies back. Also sap oozes from the branches if the young tree.
It cover the whole body of mango plant
I don't see any sign of bugs. There are tiny black spots on the underneath side of the leaf. They don't rub off. So they are not mites. Possibly fungas. I have treated it twice with Copper Oxychloride. I fertilized it earlier this week. It's been dropping leaves for a little over a week. Now the new growth looks limp. It also has its first blooms. Planted last summer. Help!
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5 years ago
Please click on Mango Fruit Fly for detail information.
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