Many of the mango trees have drying of bark, white fungal growth as shown in the pics, white green patches on the main stem, barks and I've lost many trees to them which also show signs that mites had infested the bottom part but later left.
Initially only the patches appear, followed by the fungi sometimes then leaves n bark dry up killing the entire tree. I'm suffering some loss due to this. Pls. Help me identify the cause of this n the biological or other control measures for this.
I'm in kutch and it's hot n water scarcity has been a bit of the problem such that plants are being watered but I'm not sure if it's adequate for a good produce.
5 years ago
Hii Deepa John This seems to be Powdery Mildew of Mango refer Plantix library for more information
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5 years ago
Its Sooty Mold . visit plantix library for more info.
5 years ago
Thank you