Why the mango leaves are folding(contracting) and turning black ?
Folds and turning black
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Mango Fruit black at top.Pls. propose the cause and solution
Blackish outgrowth and transparent secretion from mango
I had grown this plant from seed its age is around 1 month. My question is what type of fertilizer can I give to my plant how much quantity can I give to it plz provide answer. Can I use chicken dropping as fertilizer for this small plant
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi Karthik Reddy , mango symptoms seems to be boron nutrient deficiency. More information for diagnosis and control measures please review at Boron Deficiency . Thank you
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5 years ago
I agree with Vijay Raju . It's Boron Deficiency . Follow the link for it's management Karthik Reddy