Boron Deficiency - Mango

Mango Mango


Hi, this a mango sapling that is just 6 months old. There are some dark patches and holes on the leaves. Kindly guide me how to resolve the issue!!

Problem with the growth of the sapling.


Hi Karthik Reddy , symptoms seems to be Anthracnose of Papaya and Mango . More information for diagnosis and control measures please review by click above the blue hyperlink. In addition, one image leaf curling due to boron deficiency. For control to spray on boron 3g per liter of water. More information review at Boron Deficiency . Thank you


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Dear Karthik Reddy I agree with Vijay Raju it's seems that Anthracnose of Papaya and Mango for more information please click above the link.


Agree with Vijay Raju and Vivek Singh . Same problem


Vijay Raju Vivek Singh thanks for your valuable suggestions. I will try these and get back to you. In addition, I need suggestions for the annexed pics


Hi Karthik Reddy , this is boron deficiency. For control to spray on borax or boron 3g per liter of water. More information please review at Boron Deficiency . Thank you


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