Greenish colouration on mango plant stems
One year old mango plants showing greenish colour on their stems like fungus. Plants are also not growing well....Please help identify this and also remedy.
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixOne year old mango plants showing greenish colour on their stems like fungus. Plants are also not growing well....Please help identify this and also remedy.
Many of fruits fall prematurely..and flowers dry and no appearance of fruit some pesticides to spray for better yield and fruit set.. all trees are flowering stage and some are on bud stage
Fruits are affected by spots and discharge. please give me the suggestions
After it bloomed, our mango tree started developing these kind of syndromes. Some leaves are rolled like a cigar, some look unhealthy like the first pic and some are pale like in the second pic. Please help me identify this disease and cure it.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Gummosis click on blue link to get more information and management. Thanks
5 years ago
Hello, Welcome to Plantix community. Your "Mango Plant" is effected by Gummosis For more details and control measures, contact Plantrix library by clicking on blue hyper link given above. Thank you, visit again.
5 years ago
thank you sir for the reply. I feel that you have mistaken about the cindition. there's no oozing of the gum or development of cracks. the cut was due to pruning. My complaint is that the stems of all the plants are turning green as shown in the pictures. only this is the complainant. thank you
5 years ago
dear sir. thanks for your reply. I feel that you have mistaken about the cindition. there's no oozing of the gum or development of cracks. the cut was due to pruning. My complaint is that the stems of all the plants are turning green as shown in the pictures. only this is the complainant. thank you
5 years ago
Hello Reddy ji, Iam sorry to get confused.How ever, don't worry about your mango tree problem. Neither it is Gummosis nor it is serious is algal growth, which occurs on trunk/ twigs of the tree in heavy rainfall area and shady won't hinder the growth of the plant. It can be checked by spraying mancozeb or copper sulphate Thanks
5 years ago
Thank you all for the excellent diagnosis and discussion on Gummosis. Hope that it helps!
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5 years ago
KLN Reddy, thanks for your up voting. Don't forget to follow me. Thank you, visit again.
5 years ago
thanks a lot sir . Also please look at this sir.