Newer levaes are turing into yellowish and older leaves are seeing like this .. before alrdy sprayed bavistin and F4 and chrloripyriphous...
Newer levaes are turing into yellowish and older leaves are seeing like this .. before alrdy sprayed bavistin and F4 and chrloripyriphous...
5 years ago
hello, I think it is a fungual disease in older leaf
5 years ago
Hello Pavan Reddy. Welcome to Plantix community. Your"Mango Tree" is suffering from Nitrogen Deficiency Iron Deficiency Calcium Deficiency For more details and control measures contact Plantix library by clicking on blue hyper link given above for your easy reference. Note: Yellowing of leaves with spots like structures are observing on the leaves, May be due to multiple deficiency of micro nutrients in the soil. Apply: 1.Apply sufficient quantity of FYM (Farm Yard Manure) to the plants once in 6 months depending upon age of the plant, fallowed by regular irrigation. 2. Apply recommend dosage of fertilizers to reach plant, to get good growth of the plant. Thank you, visit again.
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