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Only in The New leaves.
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Learn more about PlantixOnly in The New leaves.
Mango trees are planted 4yrs back ,tree is growing properly but some leaves are sturdy and wrinkled .
Reddish brown spots on leaves,stunted growth and dry stems,less flowering
I see some kind of small insects I don't know which sometimes sit upon those leave I want cure
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Seems like that your plant was damaged by both Thrips in Mango and Mango Hoppers during new flushes. As the tender structures were sucked, damaged portions have started now drying. This deformation will not be corrected quickly, however increase nitrogen intake and vitalyze by applying plant growth regulator, PGR. Go ahead to click on the blue hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on these pests and control measures. Thank you!
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5 years ago
I think its due to نقص الكالسيوم
5 years ago
Hi Mohamed Fathy , Please have a look on the Calcium Deficiency
5 years ago
spray of micronutrients and soil application is also done by super potasium humate and amino acid paint tree trunk by copper oxichloride for soil born pests attack thanks
5 years ago
Based on pictorial information provided by sali sir,it might be Zinc Deficiency or Iron Deficiency click on blue link to get more information and management. Thanks
5 years ago
agree with sali sir
5 years ago
Thank you for your insights!
5 years ago
At arial parts nitrogen can not translocate easily so, it may be boron deficiency thanks
5 years ago
تربس حشري
5 years ago
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