My problem is when leaves was grown suddenly died or insect was eaten.
Sir My problem you know very well-known in the community box please help me.
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Learn more about PlantixSir My problem you know very well-known in the community box please help me.
This plant is just 10 cm of the another mango plant which is having also the same problem that I asked earlier this plant is also suffering from ants and white citrus type insects in its roots . I am able to see the insects attached to plants roots . By seeing from Google I provided the plant with surf water 25 days ago but still no improvement . I also gave urea in the roots but it was also unsuccessful .what to do please Suggest some home treatment. Thanku
Initially only the patches appear, followed by the fungi sometimes then leaves n bark dry up killing the entire tree. I'm suffering some loss due to this. Pls. Help me identify the cause of this n the biological or other control measures for this. I'm in kutch and it's hot n water scarcity has been a bit of the problem such that plants are being watered but I'm not sure if it's adequate for a good produce.
Falling of young foliage,nibbling of leaves at various parts .
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Mango Hoppers click on blue link to get more information and management. Thanks
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