Which disease is this and require suitable fertilizer if any??
Could not able to find disease and which supplementary fertilizer required
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Learn more about PlantixCould not able to find disease and which supplementary fertilizer required
These trees are 1year old but still are same as I planted and 2months before I gaved Bhagya soil application but no results seen please give me solution
Please do help.. few of my leaves have started turning like this. @Suresh Gollar @Shubham Patil
Flowering has came only one steam reming part leaves came flowers will come r not , and white insect apper on leaves
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
bonhour, les symptomes jaunes , je pense sont des carences en fer, cliquez sur ce lien de plantix vous trouvez toutes les informations nesessaires Carence en Fer , la tache blanche sur la feuille je pense c'est de anthracnose
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