Help! Mango tree under attack.
Looks like mealy bug. I had been given a treatment for ants that protect them. Ants gone now but these little critters persist.
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Learn more about PlantixLooks like mealy bug. I had been given a treatment for ants that protect them. Ants gone now but these little critters persist.
please help me with possible solution to fix this..what chemical or insecticide should i apply.
Leaves become dull and it fastly destroy
Teak tree bulb organs under the leaves is disease or any useful organs
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6 years ago
Thank you Erick for your efforts to visiting Plantix Community and greetings to Kenya! Your mango tree has been infested with Mealybug, so you can review at Plantix Library for more details. Plantix Library is a great hub where everyone can find details on this insect and options of several control measures! Just click on the blue hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library. Thank you for your interests in Plantix Community!
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6 years ago
Are you sure it is mealybug? Seem a bit small to me. Or is it the larvae stage?
6 years ago
Seems like infestation is over after completion of pupation. The faeces is left over now that bears nothing important. Does this make any sense?
6 years ago
ants good parasite for mealy bug
6 years ago
pls apply shampoo solutions 2ml sampoo in 1 litre of water or soap solutions on affected parts of the plant it will kill mealy bugs
6 years ago
spray of neem oil and liquid soap on mealy bug is very effective
6 years ago
Welcome to the Plantix community This is infestation of Mealybug refer Plantix community for more information Management Management Remove weeds like Clerodendrum inflortunatum and grasses by ploughing during June-July. Band the trees with 20 cm wide alkalthene of polythene (400 gauge) in the middle of December (50 cm above the ground level and just below the junction of branching). Stem with jute thread and apply a little mud of fruit tree grease on the lower edge of the band. If necessary apply chlopyriphos 20EC 2.5 ml/l Release of Australian ladybird beetle, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri 10/tree Thanks for visiting Plantix community